People have asked, on a number of occasions, when do I think we at the Hall of Fame will run out of possible candidates to consider for induction. Well, if the Induction Class of 2023 is any indication of what the future holds for the Hall of Fame, then I am quite sure that will not be a problem. This years honorees have upheld the standards established by our very first induction class of 2016, and in some cases, have exceeded what those who came before them established.
The members of the Patchogue-Medford Hall of Fame Induction Class of 2023 have set the bar for current and future generations of Patchogue-Medford students to strive to achieve. They have excelled in the classroom, on stage, in the recording studio, on the athletic fields and in the gym, in the media and most of all, as volunteers. I am always excited when our Class of Inductees span the generations of graduation years, and this class is no exception. Our honorees represent classes from 1939 up to 2000.
This reinforces my belief that our school district and community will continue to produce very special and accomplished individuals. The Induction Class of 2023 has the distinction of being the first Hall of Fame Class to have candidates reviewed by our newest Selection Committee, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Also noteworthy is that the two Honorees selected by the STEM Committee are both women. Finally, seven of tonight’s honorees were nominated by the 2021 Oregon Middle School 6 th Grade Research Class. This was an amazing experience for both our Inductees and the students, who had the opportunity to interview the honorees through the research process, either in person, or through skype/zoom.
So, on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Patchogue-Medford Hall of Fame and the entire Hall of Fame team, Congratulations to the Induction Class of 2023 and Welcome Home/Welcome to the HALL OF FAME!!