Mission and Vision
The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.
Vince Lombardi
Throughout the history of the Patchogue-Medford School District, thousands of students have performed admirably, in a variety of activities. Their performance in the classroom, on the playing fields, on stage, in the lab room and in the community have helped foster both Patchogue-Medford Pride and being ”Raider Strong.” The Patchogue-Medford Hall of Fame and Booster Club recognizes those graduates, staff members and community volunteers who have contributed to the development of our children, through academic, athletic and extra-curricular programs.
The Patchogue-Medford Hall of Fame looks to bring our community together, in a common interest, promoting “Pride in what we do.” The Hall of Fame will recognize and honor those Patchogue-Medford graduates, who not only made a positive impact on their classmates, while attending Patchogue Medford High School, but continue to have a positive effect and influence on the communities they are now a part of.

The vision of the Patchogue-Medford Hall of Fame Booster Club is to link the Patchogue-Medford School District’s Whole Child approach by funding a state-of-the-art display atrium and interactive learning center, to be erected and maintained at a prominent area at the Patchogue-Medford High School.
The design will provide a variety of learning options and will be made accessible to all students within the eleven schools throughout the district, in addition to the Patchogue-Medford Public Library. Computerized and virtual learning stations will be available so that students can explore a variety of interest in various fields (i.e. journalism, career options and choices, arts, music, sports, etc.) whereby students will be exposed to mentoring by Hall of Fame inductee alumni, that have succeeded in the field the student is considering, offering a ground-breaking approach while pushing for Multiple Pathways to diplomas.
Students will learn about the mission of the Hall of Fame, while gaining an appreciation for those individuals and teams that have been inducted into the Hall in addition to those businesses, organizations and individuals who have helped to promote the Hall of Fame project.