Cindy Buckmaster

A graduate of the Patchogue-Medford Class of 1983, Dr. Cindy Buckmaster is a nationally renowned and admired specialist in the fields of biomedical research and animal welfare She has dedicated her career to raising the awareness of, and helping to dramaticaly transform, the way in which animals are used and cared for during and after their participation in the conduct of medical research. Based in Pearland, Texas, she serves as chair of Americans for Medical Progress; as president of the Texas Society for Biomedical Research; and as Director for Public Outreach for the National Animal Interest Alliance.
Some of her most important contributions to the international biomedical research community have come through her series of presentations entitled “Stop Hiding and Change the World. Such deeply impassioned messaging has moved animal care staffs to totally reform their practices in protecting the health of research animals, those heroic creatures that are so wery crucial to the advancement of medical technologies. Dr. Buckmaster’s “Homes for Animal Heroes” program ensures that dogs, horses and other research animals are able to find permanent, loving homes when their service has concluded.
Her dedication to conveying truth to the public on this most important topic has earned her dozens of national and regional awards for her distinguished service, including the 2016 NAIA Leadership Award for courageous, creative, and caring leadership; the 2017 Above and Beyond Award for her dedication; and the 2019 Public Service Award for her untiring devotion to promoting the critical role of animals in improving lives worldwide and the crucial need for humane practices in their shipping and care.